Here you can find links to studies about how VR can improve your clinical outcomes.

VR trained students showed a 250% improvement in their ability to accurately complete a safety procedure

VR trained surgeons were 29% faster and made 6x fewer errors

VR training is 83% less expensive and 50% faster than traditional in-person simulation

83% of VR-trained surgical residents could successfully perform a new procedure, whereas 0% of the traditionally trained residents could do the same

50% reduction in critical surgical errors and 34x reduction in cost for VR trained learners

Over 400% increase in long-term retention for VR trained students

40% fewer mistakes made by surgeons who train in virtual reality

PubMed Central (PMC)

To demonstrate that virtual reality (VR) training transfers technical skills to the operating room (OR) environment.The use of VR surgical simulation to train skills and reduce error risk in the OR has never been demonstrated in a prospective, randomized.

Journal of Medical Internet Research

Background: The incidence of cardiac arrests per year in the United States continues to increase, yet in-hospital cardiac arrest survival rates significantly vary between hospitals. Current methods of training are expensive, time consuming, and difficult to scale, which necessitates improvements in advanced cardiac life support (ACLS) training. Virtual reality (VR) has been proposed as an alternative or adjunct to high-fidelity simulation (HFS) in several environments. No evaluations to date have explored the ability of a VR program to examine both technical and behavioral skills and demonstrate a cost comparison.
Objective: This study aimed to explore the utility of a voice-based VR ACLS tea…

PrecisionOS –

Showcasing A 50% Reduction in Critical Surgical Errors after PrecisionOS™ VR Training